In case you placed an order and no longer wish to buy a product, please cancel your order within 12 hours by contacting us on whatsapp at +919828473007.An order can only be cancelled if its still not shipped from our warehouse. Once shipped an order in transit can’t be cancelled.
Products should not show any signs of being worn and they shouldn’t be resized either.
Customers are advised to check the return/exchange policy for the product they purchase before confirming the final transaction.
The recipient accepting the delivery should not accept the product in cases where the box or packaging has been tampered with or if the box is empty. The recipients receiving the delivery must open the package and check its contents before accepting the delivery and signing the delivery receipt.
No claim of non-receipt will be entertained once you accept the delivery.
If the recipient is unavailable at the time of delivery, the courier company shall try and deliver the item THRICE before returning it to Neeraj jeweller. All costs for reshipment and handling in the case of non-delivery to the customer shall be chargeable to them only.
The delivery guarantee is subject to the terms and conditions of the courier company. Any inconsistencies in the name or address will result in the non-delivery of the product.